May 19 – 22   |   Education May 20 – 22   |   Exhibits Houston, TX   |   George R. Brown Convention Center

Attendee Registration

XPONENTIAL is where the industry’s greatest minds converge. Experience groundbreaking technology, gain strategic insights, and lend your perspective to set the trajectory for autonomy.

Join us in Houston, TX | May 19-22, 2025*
*XPO Hall Opens Tuesday, May 20 at 10:30 AM

Register Now

XPONENTIAL 2025 Registration Fees

  Early Bird* Standard Onsite Early Bird* Standard Onsite
VIP Pass $1,395 $1,645 $1,845 $1,535 $1,825 $1,995
Full Conference Pass $995 $1,195 $1,395 $1,135 $1,345 $1,545
Full Conference PassSpecial Category $555 $655 $795 $615 $725 $895
XPO Hall Pass $139 $169 $199 $169 $199 $229
Full Conference Group Pass
(Limited to 5 individuals from the same organization)
$2,775 $3,275 N/A $3,075 $3,625 N/A
XPO Hall Group Pass
(Limited to 5 individuals from the same organization)
$525 $635 N/A $635 $745 N/A

*Early Bird pricing is valid through Friday, April 4, 2025, at 11:59 PM ET. Standard pricing goes into effect Saturday, April 5, 2025, at 12:00 AM ET until Saturday, May 17, 2025 11:59 PM ET. Then Onsite pricing goes into effect.

Pass Features

  XPO Hall Full Conference VIP
XPO Hall
Solutions Theater
AUVSI Defense Theater
Keynote Sessions
Pre-Conference Workshops
Select Co-Located Events
Separate paid registration is required for certain co-los.
Enterprise + Government Solutions (EAGS) Sessions
STEM Sessions
Breakout Sessions
VIP Club Access
Continental breakfast and lunch
Lounge Space
Private Meeting Rooms
Influencer's Reception


VIP Pass + Full Conference Pass + XPO Hall Pass

These registration categories are for anyone in the uncrewed systems or associated industries.

Special Category | Government + Military

Government and Military rates are available to U.S. Federal, state, local and tribal government employees, to include active-duty members of the military. To register under this category, you must have a valid .gov, .mil or .org email address. Non-U.S. or Allied Governments may attend under this category as well. Registrants may be required to show their credentials, government employee ID or military ID.

Please note, contractors do not qualify for government registration and must register under the standard VIP, Full Conference or XPO Hall Pass.

Special Category | Public Safety Professional

Public Safety rates are available to credentialed members of the police, sheriff, EMS, fire service, hazmat, and park rangers from federal, state, city, county, and campus agencies.

To qualify, registrants must be an active employee of a public safety agency as outlined above, and may be required to show their credentials or government employee ID.

Special Category | Student

Those wishing to register as a Student must meet the following criteria and present proof of eligibility to qualify:

  • Undergrad students must currently be enrolled as full-time students taking 12 credits or more at an accredited college or university
  • Graduate students must currently be enrolled as full-time students taking 6 credits or more at an accredited college or university
  • Doctoral students must currently be enrolled as full-time research students only at an accredited college or university

Proof of Eligibility

  • Full-time student ID with current semester validation
  • Certificate of enrollment

Proof of eligibility must be uploaded during the online registration process. Event Management reserves the right to refuse ineligible registrations.

Special Category | Educator

Educator rates are available to those employed at an institution of higher learning, such as: Colleges or Universities, Polytechnical Institutes, Industrial Institutes, Branch Institutes, Specializations (e.g., engineering, agriculture, medicine, economics), or Higher Military Educational Institutions.

To qualify, registrants must have a valid .edu email address, and fall within one of the following categories:

  • Professor (Full, Associate, Assistant)
  • Adjunct Professor/Instructor
  • Lecturer
  • Teaching Assistant (grad-student status)
  • Program Director/Executive Director/Associate or Senior Dean/Chair

Proof of Eligibility

  • Full-time employee ID with current validation

Proof of eligibility must be uploaded during the online registration process. Event Management reserves the right to refuse ineligible registrations.

Onsite | Uniformed Military & First Responders

Members of the military and first responders who register in person while wearing their uniforms will be granted a free XPO Hall pass. The registration personnel at the onsite desk will issue this pass. Those in uniform from the military and first responder community will also be able to attend the AUVSI Defense Theater on the exhibition floor. Please note that this complimentary pass cannot be obtained online.

Organizational Pass

Those interested in a Full Conference or XPO Hall Organizational Pass should contact the XPONENTIAL Registrar at for additional details. Organizational Passes are available for five (5) or more individuals from the same organization. Should an organization not fill all purchased slots, a pro-rated refund will not be provided.

Register Now  Convince Your Boss

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