May 19 – 22   |   Education May 20 – 22   |   Exhibits Houston, TX

Speaker Resources




We are excited for you to join us at XPONENTIAL 2025. Upon acceptance into the educational program, you will receive a confirmation email regarding the date and time of your presentation. A XPONENTIAL team member will reach back out to you with instructions for self-registering for the event. Please await these instructions, which will equip you with a complimentary conference pass. All sponsored Enterprise and Government Solutions and Solutions Theater speakers should contact their coordinator to ensure they are properly registered via the sponsor company.

It is important that all speakers pre-register for the event, so please begin the registration process as soon as you receive registration instructions. If you are unsure of your registration status, please email the Strategic Programs team at


Materials Submission Process

Use the XPONENTIAL 2025 PowerPoint slide template, which is coming soon and will be here to download.

PowerPoint presentations and related resources for the event in Houston will need to be uploaded to ORCHESTRATE, the instructions will be found here once available.

Video and Presentation files should be submitted with the following file naming convention:

  • XPO25_PresentationTitle
  • XPO25Video_SessionTitle

You are able to submit your presentation directly in Orchestrate until Thursday, May 15, 2025. After that date, you must visit the Speaker Ready Room at least 4 hours prior to your session. All speakers utilizing ORCHESTRATE are strongly encouraged to visit the Speaker Ready Room at least 2 hours prior to your session to ensure your presentation is set-up correctly.

You can also add documents that can be accessed before and during XPONENTIAL on your session, files can include handouts, worksheets, etc.


Speaker Ready Room

The Speaker Ready room is located at the George R. Brown Center (specific room information coming soon). It will have computers and technicians to assist with testing your presentation. If you do not submit your presentation in advance, you are asked to bring it to the Speaker Ready Room on-site to ensure the quality of your presentation(s) including fonts, bullets, outlines, animations, etc. The Speaker Ready Room computers are configured with the same hardware and software as those in the presentation rooms. All speakers utilizing ORCHESTRATE are strongly encouraged to visit the Speaker Ready Room at least 2 hours prior to your session to ensure your presentation is set-up correctly. All presenters are asked to submit their final presentation revisions no later than 4 hours prior to their presentation time.

Monday, May 19, 2025 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday, May 20, 2025 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Wednesday, May 21, 2025 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Thursday, May 22, 2025 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM

Best Practices for a Successful Presentation

To ensure that we provide the best possible experience and a consistent approach to all our presentations, we ask our speakers to incorporate the following into every presentation:

  • Presentations should be high-energy, informal, and engaging. Work in activities and opportunities for audience participation. Consider including a polling tool, a unique Twitter hashtag, or even group exercises to maintain engagement. 
  • Presentations outside of the Enterprise and Government Solutions track should remain product/service agnostic. Educational sessions should NEVER become a sales pitch and violators will not be invited to speak at future events. 
  • Be commanding and capture the audience’s attention 
  • Be bold, and confident, and present your material as the expert that you are—own it! 
  • Be aware of time. 
  • When using PowerPoint, remember these key points: 
    • Keep it simple. Limit text, bullet points, transitions, and builds. 
    • Use high-quality graphics, including photographs. 
    • Have a visual theme, but avoid using PowerPoint templates 
    • When using charts ask yourself “How much detail do I need?” 
    • Choose your fonts and color scheme wisely. Make sure to space your text and use easy-to-read fonts. Remember you may have audience members seated in the back of a large space. 


Speaker Training Webinar

A speaker training session will be held closer to the event. All speakers will be invited to attend this webinar, and the recording will be available to all speakers until the end of the event.


Promote Your Session

As a speaker at XPONENTIAL 2025, we are pleased to offer tools to help you promote your participation to your network of contacts. Please check back here for the Speaker Promotional Toolkit, which includes images, sample social posts, and invitation language you can use in your marketing efforts!


Keep the Conversation Going

As speaker at XPONENTIAL 2025, we encourage you continue to build upon the conversations and connections you make and XPONENTIAL through Aville, an online learning and engagement platform for AUVSI members and the uncrewed community to learn, engage in discussion and seek and receive feedback and resources from other professional peers in the uncrewed systems industry.

Have you joined Aville yet?  If not, review these simple steps and go to: and use the same login you use for 



Provide Initial Speaker Details TBD
Presentation Title and Description Updates/Changes for inclusion in the printed Show Guide TBD
Speaker Additions/Updates/Changes for inclusion in the printed Show Guide TBD
Final Presentation Title and Description Updates/Changes April 24, 2025
Technical Paper Submissions May 1, 2025
Final Speaker Additions/Updates/Changes May 9, 2025
Presentation Upload to Orchestrate May 15, 2025


Technical Session Presenters

XPONENTIAL will feature numerous technical presentations throughout the week on a variety of topics. Presentations in the Technical Research and Development Track require a technical paper submission.

AUVSI requires that technical papers adhere to the AAS or APA format.

Technical paper files should be submitted in pdf format with the following naming convention: XPO25Paper_Author Last Name.


Speaker Additions/Updates/Changes

Instructions will be provided on how to add a new speaker, replace a current speaker, or update a current speaker’s information, including title, organization, biography, and/or headshot, closer to the event.


Standalone Presenters

XPONENTIAL will feature numerous standalone presentations throughout the week on a variety of topics. Standalone presenters will be allotted between 20-30 minutes to present, including Q&A. Please refer to your session for specific time allotment.


Moderators And Panelists

  • If there is a change to the moderator or panelists, please see the speaker change instructions above.
  • Panels will be allotted between 50-60 minutes to present, including Q&A.  Please refer to your session for specific time allotment.
  • Please note that due to stage limitations, panels are limited to 5 total persons, 1 moderator plus up to 4 speakers.



Thank you for agreeing to dedicate your time and talents to moderate an XPONENTIAL conference session. Your role as moderator is critical to the success of your session and the conference program. We hope you also enjoy this opportunity to connect with new contacts and demonstrate thought leadership.

When collaborating with your panelists, please consider these points:

  • SET THE OBJECTIVE—Set the primary objective and vision for the panel discussion. With what new understanding should the audience walk away? For example, you may discuss business or customer benefits, the possibilities and field results of a new technology, market drivers, current and projected adoption, current issues, practical applications and more.
  • STRUCTURE THE SESSION—Structure the time allocated for the session, how much time you'd like to spend on introductory remarks (as the moderator), individual remarks, moderated questions and Q&A with the audience.
  • PREPARE YOUR PANEL—Prepare a list of questions you plan to ask during the session. Most panelists will feel more comfortable if they can prepare at least a couple responses.
  • SET GROUND RULES—Set the ground rules about contextual sharing vs. promoting or selling company/product information. Comments and experiences relevant to the dialogue are great, but they need to save the sales pitches for their virtual booth.
  • ENCOURAGE ENTHUSIASM—Encourage speakers to command attention, be bold and engage the audience thru storytelling, case studies, factoids, descriptive language and future projections.
  • PLAN TO MEET—At a minimum, plan to meet your panelists one week before your session to make introductions, reiterate the vision, structure and ground rules and obtain AV support as needed. AUVSI can help coordinate pre-event meetings as needed. Please email if you would like assistance.



A member of the XPONENTIAL 2025 team and/or your session moderator will touch base with you before the event about your session's content. Plan to participate in at least one discussion about your session’s format, direction, and planned questions from the moderator. Meetings will be scheduled and facilitated by your moderator and/or AUVSI staff in April.

Panel sessions at XPONENTIAL are discussion-based which means the use of multi-media materials is discouraged. Any plans for video or slides will need to be discussed with your session moderator and AUVSI.


XPONENTIAL 2025 Program Questions

We realize that preparing for this event is on the forefront of your mind. If you have questions, please reach out to our Strategic Programs team at


Educational Programming Team

Keely Griffith
Vice President of Strategic Programs

Shannon Walker
Director, Programs

Brigitte Cox
Sr. Project Manager

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